Prophetic Fate forums open

Just finished bringing up a stub for the Prophetic Fate message board. After seeing the crappy guild websites for the two WoW guilds I have been in that had web sites, I volunteered to do something better for Prophetic Fate. Um, steady readers will remember I predicted my previous guild, The Compendium, would fail, and … Read more

Spaceport in New Mexico

Just reading this story about Virgin Galactic builing a spaceport in New Mexico brings me back to my childhood, reading those Heinlein stories and dreaming about the future. I am glad to be alive when the ‘future’ is happening. On the same page as that story, were stories about the accelerating erosion of one of … Read more

Spellborn Chronicles

Always on the lookout to find new things to which to become addicted, I've been keeping an eye on The Spellborn Chronicles. A close call with its forums left me with an unending stream of information about it courtesy of Google Desktop's automatic feed subscriber. Games that take over your life for years and years … Read more

Slashdot Moderator Again!

It had been so many weeks since Slashdot had chosen me to be a moderator. Was I not compulsively refreshing the page enough? Were they mad at me for becoming a Digger? There were so many articles I was saying to myself – oh, if only I could moderate these. And now I can. I … Read more

Shaking Hands with Aliens

So you’re meeting some Japanese friends for the first time. And you want to make a good impression and show you are aware of other cultures. Do you shake their hands, or bow and exchange business cards? This bugs me when I watch movies. In the SF Channel version of “Dune”, when William Hurt meets … Read more