FF XII preview

A really nice preview of Final Fantasy 12 at 1UP. Like FFXI, but on a console? I loved the look and play of FFXI (except for the bits that really bugged me. And the people.) I’m excited to see if FFXII can match that.

Do Not Go Gentle Into That Good Night

This poem reminds me of my father, who is sick with a brain tumour that makes it difficult for him to speak. I love him so much. Dylan Thomas has the words… Do not go gentle into that good night, Old age should burn and rave at close of day; Rage, rage against the dying … Read more

The Price of Goats

The Great Helgiria Goat Bubble This came up in a Slashdot discussion about the economics of buying and selling virtual property in Project Entropia. Hilarious and insightful!


I’ve always thuoght that metagaming was the real challenge in an MMORPG. The game itself is what it is; do quests, kill stuff, conquer the world, etc. What distinguishes any game is the metagame – a game about the game – that grows around it. You can call it community, call it offtopic, call it … Read more