
In the beginning, there was Slashdot, “News for Nerds”. I posted replies now and again, and eventually, they started giving me moderator points – the ability to push posts up and down in the ranking. And then they started letting me META-moderate posts – grading the moderators. Can I use this on my resume? Who … Read more

Shadow Priest

After a bout of instances and questing over the weekend, Kanda hit level 40 and gained Shadowform, the end of the Shadow spec tree and the mark of a Shadow priest. When you’re in Shadowform, you can’t heal, but your damage and ability to take damage improves. This makes shadow priests somewhat less desired for … Read more

CE News 11/11/05

Today’s news is from Harry Chapin’s “The Was Only One Choice”: There’s a kid out on my corner, hear him strumming like a fool Shivering in his dungerees, but still he’s going to school His cheeks are made of peach fuzz — his hopes may be the same But he’s signed up as a soldier … Read more

FF XII preview

A really nice preview of Final Fantasy 12 at 1UP. Like FFXI, but on a console? I loved the look and play of FFXI (except for the bits that really bugged me. And the people.) I’m excited to see if FFXII can match that.

Do Not Go Gentle Into That Good Night

This poem reminds me of my father, who is sick with a brain tumour that makes it difficult for him to speak. I love him so much. Dylan Thomas has the words… Do not go gentle into that good night, Old age should burn and rave at close of day; Rage, rage against the dying … Read more