Star Trek Online: Ambassadors

This post is just about my two Star Trek Online characters, the Andorian science captain Tipa D’zoph, and my old-style Klingon tactical captain, Krontar. Hot on the heels of fellow Federation News Service editor Blue Kae, Tipa D’zoph was appointed Ambassador-at-Large to the scattered races that rim the Alpha Quadrant, and speaks with the voice … Read more

Star Trek Online, Undine Front: The Return (spoilers)

Yes, desperately catching up on all the posts I should have made this week, but did not.
Undine Front: The Return is the second of the two episodes given you by Starfleet as you embark upon Season Two. It opens similarly to the other mission, Undine Front: Assimilation, with a sudden congregation of Borg ships causing some concern in the quadrant. Not only that, but there have been reports of non-Borg ships in the area as well. It would be terrible to lose such a fine crew, Starfleet assures us, but we need to head in and do what we can.
The USS Monterey warped in to find a Romulan science ship, the IRW Areinnye, on the losing side of a battle against some Borg spheres. The Romulan captain, Commander Taelus, does something that must have hurt her more than the Borg ever could… she calls for assistance from any nearby ships, and when we make contact, absolutely begs for Federation assistance.
Romulans are normally too proud to ever ask for help from another race, and they consider the Federation mortal enemies. What could be happening that would bring them to this end?

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