Star Trek Online: The Enterprise Pack (and Genesis)

Yesterday, Cryptic dropped the Enterprise Pack onto the Cryptic Store. For 1250 points, you can get a replica of the NX-01, the Akira-class predecessor flown by Captain Archer and crew in Star Trek: Enterprise, a show which doesn’t fully deserve its bad reputation. That also comes with the Enterprise uniforms, Mirror Universe versions of same, … Read more

Star Trek Online: Skirmish (spoilers)

skirmish: a minor or preliminary conflict or dispute.
It is said that four thousand throats may be cut in one night by a running man. The same can be said of a Bird of Prey under warp when the disruptor beams run hot. Hot as the blood of a warrior; hot of the blood of your enemies filling your cupped hands. Hot enough to tear a rip through the fabric of space itself and show what peers from it the heart of a true warrior.

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Star Trek Online: Cold Call (spoilers)

“Cold Call” is the first of Star Trek Online’s “Feature Episodes“. The first series deal with those cryo-suited Alpha Quadrant villains, the Breen. Staying more or less out of galactic affairs after their defeat along with the rest of their allies at the close of the Dominion War, they have returned. Those Federation diplomats who … Read more