Star Trek Online FE301: The Vault (spoilers)

One lowly shuttle stands between the broken Romulan Star Empire and the rebellion of their ex-slaves, the goblinoid Remans, as their private war threatens to draw the Alpha Quadrant into a conflict that could destroy worlds.
More worlds. The Romulans are still feeling a little sore that Spock didn’t save Romulus, even though he PINKY PROMISED!
Before I get into the interrupted adventures of the Federation News Service, Cryptic made a teaser for the arc, “Cloaked Intentions”. You will believe Star Trek is still on the air!

“The Vault” after the break.

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Star Trek Online: Skirmish (spoilers)

skirmish: a minor or preliminary conflict or dispute.
It is said that four thousand throats may be cut in one night by a running man. The same can be said of a Bird of Prey under warp when the disruptor beams run hot. Hot as the blood of a warrior; hot of the blood of your enemies filling your cupped hands. Hot enough to tear a rip through the fabric of space itself and show what peers from it the heart of a true warrior.

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Star Trek Online s2e5: Cold Storage (spoilers)

I could while away the watches, Berating Ensign Hodges
But that would cause a scene
Oh I’d be the pride of Starfleet — Among captains, I’d be elite
If I only had a Breen….
Oh, I could tell you why we ejected the warp cores,
We wanted an extra week on Risa’s sunny shores
And so we beamed straight down for more
I might find at my court martial, that I will serve a partial
sentence on Bairus III
But all would be forgiven, the high life I’d be livin’
if I only had a Breen….

Um, sorry. Back to business. This week, Cryptic ends their five episode Breen arc with Cold Storage. In episode 1, the Breen invaded the Defera system in order to find traces of Preserver technology. In Episode 2, the Breen decided to stick around and enslave some Defera for fun and profit. Episode 3 uncovered a Breen resistance, opposed to the dishonorable actions of the Breen leadership. Episode 4 had the Federation and the Breen compete to complete a map and key to an archive of ancient Preserver knowledge. In episode 5, we follow that map to the end. And what we find there…. you’ll have to read after the jump.

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Star Trek Online: Out in the Cold (spoilers)

In last week’s episode, “Cold Call“, we were introduced to the Deferans, a race that believes in balance in all things. They, for instance, see no reason to side with either the Klingon Empire or the Federation, and consider both allies against the Breen. Searching for ancient Preserver technology, the Breen found evidence on the … Read more