Advent of Code Day 4 — Camp Cleanup
As well as my Day 4 solutions in Python and Java, I talk about the AI solving controversy in Advent of Code, and teach the chat bot to speak a language I just now invented.
Come for the games, stay for the drama.
As well as my Day 4 solutions in Python and Java, I talk about the AI solving controversy in Advent of Code, and teach the chat bot to speak a language I just now invented.
I did this puzzle last night while writing the post about Day 2. This time I’m not in quite so much of a rush. Weekends. The puzzle description is best read on the AoC site — they’re always fun to read Advent of Code always starts out slowly, getting people used to how things … Read more
So I made it to day 2 of Advent of Code! Not entirely awake. I stayed up past midnight to solve it. I messed up my first approach, so I went to a more brute force approach that worked. I got my solution logged in in about twelve minutes or so? But I was still … Read more
I am committing myself this year to solving every puzzle in the Advent of Code, an annual coding competition taking place over the Advent season each year. Each day brings a new puzzle, in two parts. They start out pretty easy, and top programmers (not me) solve them in seconds. By the end of the … Read more