Star Trek Online: Ambassadors

This post is just about my two Star Trek Online characters, the Andorian science captain Tipa D’zoph, and my old-style Klingon tactical captain, Krontar. Hot on the heels of fellow Federation News Service editor Blue Kae, Tipa D’zoph was appointed Ambassador-at-Large to the scattered races that rim the Alpha Quadrant, and speaks with the voice … Read more

Star Trek Online: S2E3 Cold Comfort (spoilers)

Lt. Commander Krontar commanding the IKS Van’tek, to the High Council: Qapla’! I, Krontar, report as commanded. I ask once again to be allowed honorable death by Mauk-to’Vor instead of this shameful sentence as a flat-headed victim of the augment virus. This more human appearance is a disgraceful punishment for the crime of allowing a … Read more