EQ: Nostalgia enters the everlovin’ PLANE of TIME.

Photoshop stitched together four screenshots to make this, automatically. Pretty neat! No, it’s true. We went to the Plane of Time tonight. Once upon a ‘time’ (sorry), that meant you had completed all the raids in Planes of Power — lessee if I can remember them — Terris Thule & Saryrn, Grummus & Carprin & … Read more

EQ: The Lurkers of Lavaspinner’s Lair & more

Another Friday, another entirely new zone, and we still are ages from seeing more than a fraction of the game. Last week, we started doing the faction quests that open up the main mission arc of the Dragons of Norrath expansion. The first brought us to Stillmoon Temple, deep inside the Broodlands. Last night, though, … Read more