Best of 2024: Single-Player RPGs
2024 was a great year for RPGs. I didn’t play all the ones I wanted, but the ones I did play were pretty incredible.
Come for the games, stay for the drama.
2024 was a great year for RPGs. I didn’t play all the ones I wanted, but the ones I did play were pretty incredible.
Loved Champions of Norrath and Return to Arms. Snowblind’s next game was Justice League Heroes. Can it be just as good? Better?
I don’t even know if that title makes any sense. Anyway. A bunch of the prompts from the past week have dealt, in some way, with content creation. A lot of people have disagreed with my interpretation of that task as a method of drawing people to a website for the purpose of monetizing them … Read more
Last year for my birthday, Kasul got me a huge, mysteriously heavy box and refused to say what was inside. Anticipation was killing me. When my birthday came, I opened it up and it was absolutely full of Fantasy Flight Games’ Game of Thrones, the Card Game stuff. The base game, custom card holders for … Read more