EQ: Seeds of Destruction: Meet Caiffin, the Merc.

So this screen shot entirely contains my philosophy of life. I’m in this really stormy place, and I’m fighting for my life, but some souless minion is trying to save me, but he’s about to be eaten by a giant bear he can’t see, and there’s some huge guy with a “wide stance” lurking about, and someone not even in the screen shot keeping everyone alive.
That’s it. Now you know everything important about me.
But seriously.
The mercenary hirelings in EverQuest’s new expansion, Seeds of Destruction, are made of 200-proof AWESOME.

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EQ: Oceangreen Hills and Oceangreen Village

I’ll say straight out that I can be slow sometimes. Even after all the clues from the last update, even after I knew that the Herald of Druzzil Ro would be sending me into Norrath’s past, I didn’t really connect the dots, right away. I landed in a place called Oceangreen Hills, and the area … Read more

EQ: Nostalgia enters the everlovin’ PLANE of TIME.

Photoshop stitched together four screenshots to make this, automatically. Pretty neat! No, it’s true. We went to the Plane of Time tonight. Once upon a ‘time’ (sorry), that meant you had completed all the raids in Planes of Power — lessee if I can remember them — Terris Thule & Saryrn, Grummus & Carprin & … Read more