Star Trek Online: FE302 “Mine Enemy” (spoilers!)

Mine enemy? Mine enemy is Cryptic, who, for the second feature episode in a row, couldn’t handle the press of people wanting to do the episode the moment it went live. I guess they should make some sort of queue system, somewhere… The swarm of starships outside mission systems is just amazing.
This is your money, Cryptic; this is why we play. PLEASE make the servers work on FE day!
Last week, in “The Vault”, we traveled to an immense space station in the Romulan neutral zone and discovered the sorry state of the Romulan refugees in the area, as well as the militaristic designs of the Remans. Some of the intelligence we recovered there pointed a moon in the Hfihar system, an old Romulan mining colony that has been re-opened by the Ferengi. What the Ferengi want, why the Remans were interested and which old friends will we find there… after the break.
But, just this: it’s worth turning the voiceovers up so you can hear the Vulcan admiral pronounce “Hfihar”. It’s tiny joys like this that brighten the Alpha Quadrant.

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