EQ ‘Cide edition: Raticide, Spearicide, Gianticide.

Rejected post titles: “The Spear-it of Christmas”, “The Mob that Dis-speared”, “Spear-ritually yours”. Last week, we were saddened by the cruelty whose name is Doomfire, the Burning Lands, where none of the many nameds of “C1” bothered to show. Sure, we got levels and AA off their minions, but that wasn’t the point. We wouldn’t … Read more

EQ: Burning in the Plane of Fire

Doomfire, the Burning Lands

Last night was another light night; by seven, there were only four of us on: Stolig, who had heroically leveled from 46 to 53 — just two levels from being able to enter the Plane of Storms for hot zone xp goodness; Kanad; Mantis and myself. Stolig only had an hour before real life would call him away, and was having fun further mutilating the mutilated, undead frogs of Lower Guk, so the rest of us were left figuring out what we could do.
Kanad asked me if I had Endless Quiver, the ranger ability that gives you an unending supply of arrows. I did! It was the first Class AA I got, actually. So he suggested we try out kiting in the Plane of Fire.

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