Out of work? Home sick? Wanna talk about Spellborn?

Breaking news! Acclaim CEO Howard Marks says Chronicles of Spellborn closed beta starts NEXT WEEK!


I’d love to talk about Spellborn. I’ve been a big fan of it for a couple years now, wrote about it at every opportunity at Massively, even had the collector’s box set shipped from Germany and leveled up chars on the EU servers because I REALLY LOVE THIS GAME. Cue creepy “I’m your number one fan” music…
So when I heard Acclaim was going to have a chat about the NA version of Spellborn, part of me went YAY! Then I found out it was going to be at noon (PST). On a weekday. When I, and probably most likely players, would be at work. So. Bah. Epic fail.
I just want to play!
Acclaim’s announcement after the break. Complaints about the time can be brought to Acclaim’s “Acclaim Sucks?” room. (Oh, yes. Acclaim Community Manager ‘Historian’ saith: “Was inspired by user ret2121 who created 2 rooms ‘acclaim sucks’ and ‘Acclaim Sucks!!’. Seemed like a good way to get feedback.”)

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