Faves Changes

Removed Dead Ranger blog. Guess the Dead Ranger finally got tired of waiting for Vanguard.
Removed the Prophetic Fate link. I took down the message board for the guild – I hosted it here – so the link no longer worked anyway. Guild was dead.
Removed my Java Applets page. I do need to get those in shape to prove to potential employers that I can program, but they weren’t really in a usable state.
Removed the MMO Glossary. Doubt anyone ever looked at it.
Added – Behind the Sofa – a blog about Doctor Who, especially the newest episodes not yet seen in the United States.
Added – EQ2 Daily – they’re starting to index this site, least I can do is return the favor 🙂
Added – The Huffington Post – Political blog by Ariana Huffington, a notable California Republican who left the party, breezed through the Independent side of things, and is now an outspoken liberal. Her very famous blog won’t get any more famous by appearing here, but I read it religiously now, and hope you do, too.
Added – McSweeney’s – often laugh-out-loud humor you can read in a minute. Delightfully twisted.
Digg may be leaving the list. I tend to visit it less as they become less and less focused and more and more just a kitchen-sink kind of blog. Probably positioning themselves for a buyout.
There’s a bunch of other blogs I visit, but heck, they’re on the right side of every page that deals with MMOs, no point to copy them here. Rather see fewer MMO links on my blog than more…