EvE: Book cover edition

Whilst playing EvE Online today, it occurred to me that SF book authors are missing a real savings, book-cover wise, by not just finding a good screenshot in EvE and using that for their cover… Why, if more people did that, we could have books like… hmm…
There’s a big seller for ya. Who wouldn’t buy a book by someone named Spock?
One woman’s tale of reaching middle age and coming across a nest of Kilrathi in Beta Sector…!
Hmmm… Wonder if this works for Fantasy pics?

2 thoughts on “EvE: Book cover edition”

  1. First EvE “book cover” is my newest ship, “Fangs of Isis”, which I bought after “Isis in Shadow”, the ship on the second book cover, was destroyed by surprise missile bombardment.
    The EQ2 book cover is me testing a new rapier I got in Deathtoll at my favorite testing grounds, Solusek’s Eye.

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