‘Twas near the eleventh hour of yesterday before the Owl dropped a package at my door. “I hope you have your reading glasses!”, quoth she, unusually talkative (for an Owl).
I tapped it twice with my wand. “Capsa Adaperio!” The box flew open
Inside was the tome for which I had waited so long, as well as an advertisement for a Muggle cinema and a flyer for Microsoft Vista, undoubtedly placed there by a Death-Eater in the employ of Owl Mail.
I started to read. The sun faltered and weakened as the dark tale unfolded. At last, I could bear it no longer. I paced the room, my heart distraught. If only I had Dumbledore’s wisdom with me now! For a moment, I thought I caught a glimpse of his bright, clear, blue eyes, and a word came to me — “Scones!”
Scones? Wasn’t that the name of Ron’s rat? No, that was Scuppers. Who was the evil Pettigrew in disguise! No, Dumbledore would never mention that name to me. Maybe I should make some…?
So I made some scones. They were just the sort of thing needed for the long night ahead.
Mmmm…. scones, Diet Coke, and a good book. Heaven!
I didn’t have the strength to finish it all in one sitting, and reluctantly, went to bed.
I spent the morning lost once more in the book. The search, the surprises, the betrayals and the heroism… It didn’t end as I expected; in fact, I think maybe it was entirely different than I thought. But I won’t say another word, except to have pity on my poor cat…
The final battle (well, of course there is one!) was so beyond imagination that a Immobilus curse sprang from the pages of the book and good Isis was right in the way.
She’s better now.
4 thoughts on “Expelliarmus!”
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Ah you gotta a nice cat there…
I finished it last night as well, Tipa. I am completely and utterly spent. But it was worth it. I wrote my quick thoughts on it at my place.
Hi Tipa,

Wow, you finished that book already?! Amazing! Sorry about your Vista woes.
I need to show you a pic of Hoppkins cat. Our cats will be like the 3 Muskateers!
– Cassaendra
I bought it on the launch but realised I had forgotten the details in book 6, so I had to read ‘The Half-Blood Prince’ again before proceeding on.