Stuff to watch this week: Lost, Jericho, Idol

Tuesday — American Idol begins Hollywood week, which winnows the people who made it through the audition process to the twenty-four people who will make it to the actual contest. This year, people are allowed to play instruments. I don’t know how this fits into a singing show, but I guess, anything for the ratings.
Also, Jericho season 2 starts. Fans demanded the return of the show, and CBS delivered. I’ll be watching!
Thursday, Lost season 4 continues. Two weeks ago, viewers were confusingly dragged all over the place from past to future to present. Last week, we learned more about the freighter crew, and they are incredibly cool. I am officially hooked again. This week, we find out why the freighter people want Ben, and perhaps why Oceanic Airlines faked the finding of doomed Flight 815. But who really knows. Polar bear skeletons found in an archaeological dig in Tunisia — wearing a Dharma collar? What’s up with that…
Thursday, Mur Lafferty posts her final podcast of her novel, Playing for Keeps, also available as PDFs. In the finale, Keepsie, a bar owner whose super power is that nobody can take what is hers, survives the battle for power between the superhero Academy and the failed heroes trying to bring it down that has come to be centered around Keepsie, her bar, and the cadre of barely-powered superheroes that drink there. Fantastic podcast, excellent story — catch up on the podcast and be waiting with the rest of us Thursday for the final episode.
I also finally sat down and listened to Brent’s Virgin Worlds podcast #100. Hilarious at times, definitely worth a listen, but in the end, it’s a three hour present from the MMO podcast community to Brent.
I listen every week, and he deserves all the praise he gets. He has inspired a community.

3 thoughts on “Stuff to watch this week: Lost, Jericho, Idol”

  1. It’s my understanding that the runner up from last season played an instrument (not while competing though) which gave them the idea. I guess anything to make Idol less boring. And, hey, since they’re showing the singers’ multiple talents – they should allow the contestants to balance plates on tall poles while singing. Or ride a unicyle. Whatever works for them.

  2. Chris Sligh had his own band and played guitar. Blake Lewis played guitar as well. Probably a lot of them played instruments, but that doesn’t impress me. What DOES impress me is, I had to look up both of their names. Just been a year and already I forgot them.
    Didn’t they already have a talent show where people could sing or do whatever they liked? America’s Got Talent, right?
    Well, anyway, they won’t be playing instruments outside Hollywood week. I hope.
    Compared to the dance shows, singing shows are a little bit lame to begin with.
    Well, Dancing with the Stars looked dumb from the clips I saw, but So You Think You Can Dance? was incredible.

  3. I enjoy Dancing with the Stars and try not to miss an episode. I like seeing how the celebs adapt to trying to dance ballroom. So You Think You Can Dance and American Idol are boring to me. I actually used to like American Idol – but it just seemed like the same show over and over each year but with a different cast of characters. The contestants weren’t interesting and the judges said the same old BS.

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