Wizard101: Ding! I can go to sleep now?

I should be preparing for my trip to NH for a family reunion tonight, but I couldn’t resist the opportunity to help a friend with Labyrinth… a couple of times… and also finish up the Dragonspyre stone rose and books quests. Combined with another side quest I’d totally missed first time around, and Marissa gained the last two bubbles to hit Grandmaster Conjurer.
First thing: Put on the Malistaire robe she won. Second thing: Take that UGLY THING OFF AGAIN! Since she had hit the money cap (150,000 gold), she couldn’t even sell her stuff, so she went to the Bazaar and bought a good outfit for stitching — price was no object. Stitched it to her robe and level 45 hat and boots and another well-dressed Myth wizard is ready for Celestia.
That’s three grandmasters, and I have the choice of Life+Balance or Myth+Balance as I go through Celestia the first time. No contest, really — it’s going to be Life+Balance, the combo that got me to Grandmaster Theurgist in the first place. A Balance wizard fills in all a Life wizard’s shortcomings, and vice-versa; a perfect team.
Anyway, KingsIsle, I’ve finished with the leveling. I want to go swimming while we still have some warm weather left!

2 thoughts on “Wizard101: Ding! I can go to sleep now?”

  1. Gratz on the dingage. I just started playing again, this time I bought the 60,000 Crowns for $60 so I can permanently unlock areas forver (or at least as long as the Servers stay up) rather than buy a Subscription with a 12-month Expiration Date. My Death Wizard is 44, my Life Wizard is (IIRC) about 38, so still a while to go before I have my first Grandmaster.

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