Before you start objecting to having an MMO up this far, I’m just going to present my bona fides: There’s a TON of games in the EverQuest series, and I’ve played most of them.
EverQuest itself, obviously. EverQuest Online Adventures for the PS2? I have it. Champions of Norrath and its sequel, Champions: Return to Arms (which admittedly, did away with the EverQuest branding on its packaging)? I have them. Lords of Norrath, the RTS? Have it, played it. EverQuest pencil-and-paper RPG? Have it, ran a campaign in it as DM. EverQuest 2? Please. Landmark? Paid the hundred bucks, played it.
Neverwinter Online? Yeah, Neverwinter Online allowed you to create your own adventures. I recreated Befallen (where you could meet my EQ1 guild camping the third floor), Najena’s Lair (and Lavastorm), Crushbone (along with Kelethin, Greater Faydark and the Plane of Hate), Freeport (and the Ocean of Tears in a riff on The Tempest), and Ak’Anon in Neverwinter Online. Teaser for “Return to Crushbone” above. (I don’t remember if I was blogging when I was recreating EverQuest in Neverwinter, but I know it was on GPlus).

I spent eight years of my life in EverQuest 1 as a player and as a guide. I spent some more years in EQ2. I spent a year recreating my favorite spots in EQ1 in Neverwinter Online. I’ve met some amazing people and had times I will never forget. If there is ever another EverQuest, I will be playing it, no questions asked.
I even have EverQuest action figures. I built a web comic around a pewter bear miniature that came in an EverQuest II expansion box.
All this, and EQ is not my #1 game series? Anyone who knows me well knows what my favorite game series of all time is.
Well OK, now I’m very much waiting to see what your #1 is. I certainly don’t know you well; but just by reputation of the old West Karana blog, I would have expected EQ in the top spot!
Yeah it would have been the top series if I still played EverQuest. But I haven’t, not for years. I’m still front of the line for any EQ3.
Oh, I forgot all about Champions of Norrath when I wrote about EQ as my favorite game series. There’s a pc emulated version but I don’t think I’m going to try it. I’ll wait for the PC emu of EQOA.
Very curious to see what your #1 is now. If I recall correctly, when I first discovered West Karana, I was playing and you were writing about Wizard 101…
I missed your post! Just went back and read it — I forgot entirely about Pocket EverQuest!
I have the actual CDROM for Lords of EverQuest, got it off eBay. Got the two PS2 games from a used game dealer, he had both, both with manuals. I haven’t actually played EverQuest Online Adventures, but I have the disk and am ready when the fan servers come up.