Last night was a good night to be superheroing in DC Universe Online. It was a Thursday, the day all the weekly quests reset. And this week is double Aether week. That’s a very good thing.
There are two currencies specific to the current episode, Wonderverse. Splintered Coins are used to buy normal gear, but a secondary currency, Empyrean Aether, is used (along with Splintered Coins) to buy Elite gear.
Elite gear is more powerful the more of it you wear or wield, but is also more powerful the more people around you are wearing or wielding it.

Empyrean Aether is only obtained by killing open world raid bosses in the Wonderverse content. Right now, they include Murk of Atlantis, Ares and Athena from Olympus, Kalibak, Steppenwolf and Orion of the New Gods, and the Hydra who is only awoken once all the other raid bosses are dead.
The best time to get into an open world raid is the day of the reset. With the double Aether event going on, I knew I had just one job to do last night: Keep killing those bosses.
I joined the raid and put the 2015 World Series of Mahjong up on the other screen as we cycled through the bosses. It took three complete cycles to finish farming the Aether for the weapon, but now I have it.
And it’s pretty.
A little disappointed it doesn’t activate very often; a 2% boost for 8 seconds of every 40 isn’t all that much. Lord Spode made it sound way more powerful.
But it’s glowy and it’s good, and it should take me easily into the next episode, where it will undoubtedly be tossed aside in favor of a common green weapon.