Tipa v Internet: Part II

I bought a new router and haven’t crashed in DCUO all night. Is everything good now? Did I fix the issue?

I don’t have the slightest idea. More than that, I can’t know.

Ever since the Hall of Legends update for DC Universe Online, I’ve had more or less success actually staying connected when I zone. I was on the phone with the techs at my ISP most of Saturday morning, and something they did seemed to clear it up, because I was able to play… Saturday. Sunday, no bueno.

Monday morning, still nothing. But Monday afternoon after work — everything worked, I ran around and did some instances, all was well.

Was whatever went wrong, fixed? I don’t know. I sure hadn’t done anything about it… which isn’t entirely true. I’d gone to the DCUO tech section and found all the TCP and UDP ports that DCUO used for all the various platforms, and opened port forwarding for all of them, hoping that would jar something loose in the firmware.

It was all very frustrating. I made a little diagram to help illustrate how it probably was not my fault. DCUO talks to my ISP, which sends a signal to the ONT in the cellar, which sends Ethernet up to my office, and then to my computer. I only own the last little part of that chain.

But, knowing it probably wasn’t my fault didn’t get me online. So, I ordered a new router.

It seemed the most likely culprit. DCUO was working for everyone else in the world, so it probably wasn’t them. Nobody else was complaining about connection issues with Frontier, and most of my internet worked fine (just this one thing), so I doubted it was the ISP. The ONT is a dumb adapter; it doesn’t look at the ports and packets. And, I had the same DCUO connection issues on two PCs and my PS5, so I didn’t think it was the computers.

That only left the router.

I ordered a new one yesterday on Amazon — the only one that had good reviews, and reviews from this year. Hooked it up, and no crashes from playing all night. Doesn’t mean that it won’t disconnect again first thing in the morning, though… because I won’t ever know if it’s fixed now — I’ll only someday find out it was something else after all.

But, I’m hopeful.

I’ve never replaced an ISP’s router myself before. I suppose I should return this one they gave me.

4 thoughts on “Tipa v Internet: Part II”

  1. Are they charging you a fee to have it? When I was on Spectrum they charged like $10 month to ‘lease’ their modem & router. So I bought my own and they paid for themselves pretty quickly.

    Hope this sorts out your issues, though. Sounds like a super frustrating issue.

    • I don’t know, but I’ll return it anyway. I imagine if I recycle it, they’ll come looking for it and it will have turned out to cost a few thousand dollars, somehow. (It’s like thirty bucks on Amazon).

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