I had fun with my little Pokémons this Advent season Thanks to my love, Kasul, for all the brightness he brings to my life and every day.
Welcome to Advent! Day 1 of my Pokémon Advent calendar is Applin, the Apple Pokémon.I got a rocking chair for the second day of the Pokémon Advent calendar. Applin is rocking happily away.Rockruff, the Gen VII puppy Pokémon, joins Applin in today’s #Advent #Pokemon calendar.On day 4 of the Pokémon Advent calendar, Marill arrived hungry.For the fifth day of Pokémon Advent… stickers?The Pokémon Advent calendar crew welcome Chikorita!Day 7 of the #Pokemon #AdventCalendar is a Christmas tree cupcake!Cyndaquil’s Trainer sends it out against impossible odds on day 8 of the #Pokemon #AdventCalendar!Rowlet is the star of today’s #Pokemon #AdventCalendar!The Pokémon are not being kept safe in today’s #Pokemon #AdventCalendar: Jurassic Park edition.Totodile reigns supreme in today’s #Pokemon #AdventCalendar!The Iroquois gingerbread long house is an iconic decoration for the uniquely American holiday of Christmas.Mareep is in a holding pen while a space is prepared in today’s #Pokemon #AdventCalendar.Pichu spreads the Word of the Electric Mouse as the faithful gather below, clamoring for news of their lord, Pikachu.Ein Weihnachtsbaum? Krampusnacht muss gleich kommen!Jigglypuff wows the crowd at Pikapalooza days after losing her left eye to a deadly Beedrill attack. You go, girl!Fire and Water DO mix… when it’s square dancing night at the Pokecenter! In honor of Shinx joining the crew, the advent calendar Pokémon decide to line up like a rainbow.Candyshark meets Triceratops in a Pokémon/Jurassic World #AdventCalendar battle for the ages! I was looking back at the pictures I’ve taken of the #Pokemon #AdventCalendar figures and realized that Alcremie was in most of them, this one included. Wild!Geodude dashed out of the house when I opened the door. He just wanted to hang out with some friends.The entire Pokemon Advent Calendar crew wishes everyone a Merry Christmas and a Happy 2024!
Bless Pichu for spreading the Word of the Electric Mouse!