Ultimate Victory: Dominating Palworld’s Challenging Endgame Raids

There’s a lot to do in the Palworld endgame. I think most players don’t even know there is an endgame. The main quest will lead you through killing the first tower boss, with the implication that you might want to go and do what needs to be done to the other tower bosses.

But why kill them at all? They aren’t bothering anyone, and they come right back once you defeat them. You don’t even really get anything for killing them, except for, well, Steam achievements.

Catching the legendary Pals is important, and really, capturing them is when you truly enter the endgame. You’ll need them to help with the towers. And this was the base game.

They added raids after the release; I’ve written about them. Bellenoir and Blazamut Ryu are the two normal mode raids. Bellenoir has a hard mode — Bellenoir Libero, and that one also has a hard mode — Bellenoir Libero (Ultra). I’ve defeated Bellenoir and Bellenoir Libero many times, but Ultra was just too hard.

I accidentally summoned Ultra when I meant to just summon normal Bellenoir Libero a couple days ago, and I got well into her second phase. I kept dying, but my base pals kept hanging on each time I made my way back, and if I hadn’t run out of time, we’d have had her.


I was farming the non-ultra Libero with Oserks, an electric-type pal that would use electricity attacks to keep her staggered. Ultra tore through them the first time and I didn’t think it would go differently the next time. I saw on Reddit that someone said Bellanoir Libero herself was the perfect Pal to take down Ultra, and I thought that sounded fun,

Problem numero uno: You can’t breed pals into Bellanoir. They only breed with themselves. Problem is, they are a mostly-female species, and the only legitimate way of getting a male one is to keep gathering the tablet shards for Libero, summoning her, defeating her, and hatching the egg she leaves behind. There’s about a one in thirty chance it will be male.

I went through every Libero tablet I had, and went farming for more. Eventually I found myself with a male Libero. Yay! Now came the really time consuming part. Since Liberos only mate with each other, I couldn’t breed in desirable characteristics from other Pals. I had to breed hundreds of Liberos and hope they randomly mutated the characters I wanted, then start breeding from those, and so on. After a very long time, I had a male and a female with the characteristics I wanted.

Now comes the really, really time consuming part. All Pals, like Pokemon, have (normally) unseen characteristics for health, attack and defense, ranging from 0-100. A Pal’s parents can set the range of a baby Pal’s characteristics, so I needed to start breeding male and female Liberos until I had ones with perfect IVs and the passive skills I want.

Thankfully, Palworld added potions you can buy that will raise these, so it wasn’t as hard as all that. Now the true work begins: Breeding the 2000 or so Libero to condense to power up the Liberos that were going to be on the team. You also have to get Pal souls to get yet another stat boost from the Palworld statues, typically done by killing the Anubis pal a few hundred times to get his Large Soul that can be processed down into the other souls necessary.

My oil base in Sakurajima

Dear reader, I went a long way down that road before I opted to use mods to get the rest of the way. There are people who spend weeks in this process, but two days was enough for me. I was working on perfecting the IVs — I already had all the pals I would need bred and waiting, and many of them were fully condensed — when I decided I just wanted to get it done. I’d prepared a few of the Libero, I had nothing else to prove.

Anyway, not like there weren’t more steps.

There’s some ruins at the base of Mt. Obsidian which feature an enclosed room. Lots of people like to summon raid bosses there in order to keep them confined so they are ripe for the killing. I made a base there, built a summoning shrine, and then went out for cheeseburgers. Cheeseburgers are a +20% attack boost for pals that eat them.

There’s no McDonald’s in Palworld, so I’d have to make them myself. They take cow meat. My only two cows were milk cows, but somehow they were boy and girl (don’t ask). I sent them to the breeding pen and had them lay several dozen eggs (I really mean it about not asking). I hatched those into baby cows, then brought them to the electric slaughterhouse (why do you keep insisting I answer questions?) and rendered them into milk and meat.

Sorry for the AI. There was a REAL photo I could have used, BUT…

I brought that meat to the farm and had my Jormuntide Ignis dragon grill them up. The farm had plenty of fixings and bread to add. I brought them to my raid base and set them out in the feed box, summoned my Liberos, and when they were full… I summoned Ultra.

I was riding Chai, my Chillet who makes all my attacks Dragon type, which Ultra is weak to in her first phase. I had my Gobfins — Eins, Zwei, Drei and of course little Vier — who are with me in every large fight to boost my attack a lot.

All Bellanoir fights start with Bella spawning as a dark type — weak to dragon-type attacks. She largely uses dark attacks herself. Once her health hits zero, she respawns as an ice type — strong against dragons and dragon-type attacks. The usual strategy is to quickly swap out to fire type Pals with fire attacks. This is sufficient for the normal Bellanoir and Bellanoir Libero.

One advantage of using a dark-type Pal such as Libero against Ultra is that for the first and longest phase of the fight, Libero is nearly immune to every attack Ultra has, and they are not weak to her attacks in the second phase.

All my Liberos had the same three active abilities: Seed Mine, which explodes and snares the enemy. Lightning Streak, which stuns and damages and enemy, and Nightmare Bloom, which stuns and damages the enemy. Ultra is strong against this last attack in the first phase, but loses that resistance in the second phase.

Most of the damage in the first phase comes from the Seed Mines, and the snare and stun keeps her from retaliating as much as she might. In the second phase, all attacks hit for full damage and the fight ends quickly. In the video, I am helping out with a combination of Multi Guided Missile launcher and Rocket Launcher, maybe a little Assault Rifle if I remember right.

Raiding Bellanoir Libero (Ultra)

So, all this effort has to lead to some epic reward, right?

The reward is a crown, and an egg that hatches into a Libero with random stats and passives. There’s also a potion that will raise a Pal stat a little. Not even an achievement!

But, it’s another item checked off on the endgame list. I have two more hard mode towers to do, and Blazamut Ryu (Ultra). The normal Blazamut Ryu raid kicks my butt; I win, but barely. I’ll have to research what Pal is best for the Ultra version. I may have what I need for the last two hard mode towers, though, now that I have managed to craft my multi-guided missile launcher. THAT took a long time.

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