Confounded Confinder!

There’s something supremely, unapologetically geeky about going to a science fiction convention or comic convention. I went to San Diego Comicon back in 2006 and you know, it’s just our kind of folk there. Before that, when I was employed anyway (and living in the greater Bay Area), I would hit up Baycon, SiliCon and Fanime every year up in San Jose.
Problem since I’ve moved to Connecticut is that I had no idea how to find out if similar things went on around here. I found out about Boskone way too late, but then, that’s in Boston, two hours away.
This morning, Cory Doctorow wrote about his new app, Confinder, on boing boing, and Annalee just wrote about it on io9, so there might be something to it…
Went there, typed in my zip code — epic FAIL. Typed in a zip code NEAR mine — SUCCESS! There’s one in HARTFORD (the city where I am writing this RIGHT NOW) in August, and the famous Readercon — for those people who (gasp) like to READ SCIENCE FICTION & FANTASY (as opposed to getting their SF through movies, comics, cartoons or games) — is in Burlington MA, the city where I interviewed for a job with Digital Research that moved me to California and changed my life forever.
Anyone in the southern New England area going to one of those?

3 thoughts on “Confounded Confinder!”

  1. *opens mouth and inhales slightly as if having something to say, then after a brief silence, closes mouth*

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