Bad Raid Videos FTL.


That’s Mayong dead there. He already had given me some new armor, but I wanted just a little more from him.
I wanted his teeth.
Nick yourself with one of his teeth, and you become a vampire yourself. That’s kind of neat, isn’t it?
Einhorn commented that there’s a song about lining up to kill Mistmoore and then taking him down with a good kick to a sensitive area, but I couldn’t find that song anywhere (too bad!). I did find a lot of Youtube videos showing people in EQ1 and EQ2 taking him down set to bad, loud music, though.
How did this become standard — showing your poor taste in music instead of making your video more fun to watch? Why do people watch these videos? Because they want to see how awesome you are? No. Because they want to steal your strats. That’s the only reason.
The very LEAST you can do is explain your pull strategy, how you deal with the script, things you might want to keep in mind… etc… because otherwise, nobody cares.
I watched this ten minute video of some guild doing all the Tier 2 Demiplane of Blood raids and the only way I knew what was going on was because I’d done most of them. Instead, bad music, boringly shot, and apparently their big secret strat is to corner a mob and then beat on him from behind.
Gee, you guys are pretty damn awesome. I wish my guild could be more like yours. And your poor taste in music just proves how out of touch I am, otherwise I’d be pumping my fist and screaming “DUDE! THAT FUGGIN RAWKS!” at the top of my lungs.
Actually, I *do* know where the whole “watch us be teh uber and also listen to loud music” can trace itself (again) back to Everquest 1, where some guild accidentally pulled every dragon in North Temple of Veeshan by aggroing Vulak, set to Metallica’s “Enter, Sandman”.

This video was hilarious 🙂 Who knew it would inspire a hundred thousand bad imitations?

13 thoughts on “Bad Raid Videos FTL.”

  1. I’m going to resurrect my old computer just for you to see if maybe I still have the MP3. I am a bit of a pack-rat when it comes to odd digital curiosities like that. I’ll let you know as soon as I find anything. Is there a better way to contact you if I find something other than making a comment here?
    I should mention that it wasn’t exactly a song, more of an intro to what could have been a song, but it was ended abruptly by that groin-kick. It sounded as if the groin kick wasn’t even intentional.
    It’s worth listening to just for the long drawn-out groan of Mayong as the guy apologizes for stuffing a Jboot in his Plane of Crotch.

  2. You can always reach me at 🙂 Love to hear the song, intro or whatever 😛
    Electric Funstuff is a custom software development house now! And no mention on their site of their MMO parody roots, though I did find through Google that they did something about the Sims Online.
    I love old EQ1 memorabilia, for sure…! It’s well past time to begin archiving what the game was like in its early days when it was standing atop the MMO heap.

  3. It’s true what you said in another post, some memories are best left as memories and aren’t meant to be resurrected. But old EQ1 memories are full of Clerics with clicky-sticks, so let the resurrections commence!!! ^_^

  4. Oh my word, I completely agree. I play WoW, and HATE having to watch boss strategies with a load of crap metal blaring out of my speakers. Now I just read the strat, watch the video with the sound OFF, and then tie them up.
    It’d be nicer to hear what’s going on, or have it explained. I hate metal and rock, so I don’t see why I should have to listen to music that reinforces the myth that all MMORPG players are lonely emo kids with suicidal tendancies.
    Ban it I tells ya ! +1 point to anyone who releases a video backed by Mozart 😛

  5. I always liked looking through this website:
    There is a lot of good nostalgia there. Unfortunately, some of the videos are now broken links, but there is still quite a bit there that I enjoyed.
    The first EQ video I ever remember seeing… in retrospect, it wasn’t very good. But, since it was the first, I found it to be amazing. There was a female dark elf cleric named Muffin. Due to some guild turmoil, the person who played Muffin decided to leave EQ. He put together a video of memories as a part of his ‘goodbye.’ It was set to the Enya song “Only Time.” Back in the day, I thought it was amazing. Nothing like what Mirage did, but it was still the first EQ video I had seen.

  6. There’s a lot of EQ1 goodbye videos out there, but none comes close to Guild Mirage’s. I’m on the lookout for a better version than the small one on Youtube. Maybe Google Video will have one. Medding on that tent pole near the docks in Oasis — yeah, I used to do that… Nobody will ever do that again (if only because that zone is no longer in EQ1).
    There were a bunch of videos about gnomish dance face-offs that I thought were hilarious… maybe they’re at, but I can’t access that at work. Otherwise I’ll probably try to dig them out, too.
    I think the first EQ1 video I saw was either that NToV one I posted above, or the videos they made of the “Best of the Best” fights. There was a time when I couldn’t get enough EQ1 stuff in my life…

  7. I know for certain I have a bunch of the old ORIGINAL Sinzan videos in the root flash file – including the “goodbye” one.
    I’ll take a look when I resurrect that PC I’ve been mentioned =)

  8. EQvids has some of the Sinzan videos as well as the Mirage Memory Album, but unfortunately, it doesn’t have the Sayanora Norrath video. I’m not sure when or why Mirage took it down, but I’ve only ever found the one on YouTube since then.
    I’m always looking though. 🙂

  9. Andy says he has to run a mile in thirteen minutes, not a mile in one and a half minutes. After further talks with his recruiter.

  10. Oh gosh, you didn’t know? It was all part of the horror that defined the Prophecy of Ro expansion. They removed the Freeport we all loved and made a dirty, crappy looking thing in its place. South Ro, North Ro and Oasis were all replaced with a single zone called the Desert of Ro which took all our memories and stomped on them while screaming hysterically. EC Tunnel is gone. In fact, EC the entire zone, is gone, along with WC, replaced with The Commonlands, which is extremely ugly.
    They couldn’t just remove the zone lines and merge those two-three zone places like Freeport, Desert of Ro and the Commonlands into the single zones they wished they could do in ’99. No, they had to hand them to the local high school’s remedial art program.
    My absolute, #1, most hated EQ1 expansion. No wonder people left for WoW. Beautiful, colorful graphics in WoW — depressing, ugly, drab graphics in EQ1, WAY DRABBER than the zones they replaced.
    Plus the raids in PoR were absolutely stupid. Not because they were hard, but more because the loot they dropped was trash, and usually just one item for a lot of work.
    The only thing I regret about PoR is quitting EQ before I got to do the Theater of Blood events, so I’ll never see the Performer or Ayonae Ro.

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